Archive for the ‘Book Fairs’ Category

Creating Bookworms: Book Fairs for Our Youngest Readers

September 28, 2010

As a new school year begins for most students, I believe it’s a good time to renew our commitment to our children.  This includes ways to include daily literacy activities for our youngest children.  This month on Literacy Toolbox, I will share ways parents and educators can work to create their own little bookworms.

When you hear about a book fair you are probably reminded of elementary school.  I remember our yearly Scholastic book fairs during elementary school; always a favorite part of my year.  Now, my seven year old has twice yearly Scholastic book fairs.  Not only are these book fairs huge fundraisers for his school, but Scholastic provides quality reading material for reasonable prices.

So I ask, what about our youngest readers?  I had never considered a book fair for preschoolers until a new director at my son’s preschool suggested one.  So when my seven year old was in Pre-K, I offered to chair a book fair for his preschool.  I have chaired one every year since.  Over the weekend, I chaired my last book fair for our preschool, as my daughter is now in Pre-K.  It was our fourth one.  I hope that the tradition we’ve started continues.

Our Preschoolers Meet Olivia

Since we are a small school of only around 120 students, we choose to have Barnes and Noble host our book fairs.  They make it very easy for any organization, but I think particularly so for smaller ones.  Every year the kids (and parents and teachers!) have a blast.  Our fairs always coincide with a visit from a storybook character (always an exciting time!).  Over the last four years, we have had the Pig from If You Give a Pig a Pancake, Clifford, Froggy, and Olivia visit our fairs.  Teachers read aloud books and sing songs.  We provide arts and crafts related to the character visiting.  Our excellent teachers always go above and beyond each year when they have our students create fantastic art projects related to the character, as well.  We display our students’ art work in the store for all to see.  A fun time is always had by all, but particularly our students.

What better way to create bookworms then to immerse them in books, read alouds, singing, and arts and crafts?  If your child’s preschool does not currently host book fairs, I highly suggest you look into the Barnes and Noble book fairs.  They are fairly easy to put together, fun to participate in, and help raise money for your school!     

Disclosure: I do not work for Barnes and Noble or Scholastic Book Fairs.  While I am a fan of both companies, any opinions stated here are my own.

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